Describe the typical characteristics of students with physical disabilities and describe a few examples of accommodations/modifications that would be beneficial to these students. 

Chapter 14 Review Questions
Complete the following questions to demonstrate your knowledge of students with physical disabilities and other health impairments. Remember to include information from both the chapter reading, additional readings and instructional video(s). Submit your answer below.

  1. Describe the typical characteristics of students with physical disabilities and describe a few examples of accommodations/modifications that would be beneficial to these students.
  2. Describe the characteristics of students with epilepsy and how teams can ensure that students with epilepsy’s medical needs are met.
  3. Describe unique areas of consideration for supplementary aids and services that the
  4. team should consider for students with physical disabilities or other health impairments and how the team can document it in the IEP.
    Chapter Questions Rubric (2) (1) (2)

Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuestion 1
5 pts
No Description
The question is answered in depth with clear understanding of the content and application of this understanding to current classroom/role. Correct APA referencing 3 pts
No Description
Question is brief and demonstrates an adequate understanding of material from the text but missing application to classroom/instruction or errors in APA referencing. 0 pts
No Description
Missing key concepts or demonstrates misunderstanding of content. If material comes from text or resources it is missing proper citations.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuestion 2
5 pts
No Description
The question is answered in depth with clear understanding of the content and application of this understanding to current classroom/role. Correct APA referencing. 3 pts
No Description
Question is brief and demonstrates an adequate understanding of material from the text but missing application to classroom/instruction or errors in APA referencing. 0 pts
No Marks
Missing key concepts or demonstrates misunderstanding of content. If material comes from text or resources it is missing proper citations.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuestion 3
5 pts
No Description
The question is answered in depth with clear understanding of the content and application of this understanding to current classroom/role. Correct APA referencing 3 pts
No Description
Question is brief and demonstrates an adequate understanding of material from the text but missing application to classroom/instruction or errors in APA referencing. 0 pts
No Description
Missing key concepts or demonstrates misunderstanding of content. If material comes from text or resources it is missing proper citations.
5 pts
Total Points: 15



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