What is technology based Training?analyze the impact of technology-based training, including its advantages/disadvantages, its effectiveness, and best practices.

 Technology-Based Training
The second step of the ADDIE model – training design (D) and examines an additional training method, technology-based training. We begin with an overview and a review of how this training method is used in organizations. Next, we explore different types of technology-based training with respect to delivery modes, training methods, and emerging technologies. Finally, we analyze the impact of technology-based training.

The ADDIE Model of Training and Development, by McMaster Continuing Education | Image Description(hyperlink opens in a new tab)
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this module, you should be able to:
define technology-based training,
explain how technology-based training is used in organizations,
describe the different types of technology-based training, and
analyze the impact of technology-based training, including its advantages/disadvantages, its effectiveness, and best practices.
What is Technology-Based Training?
Technology has influenced every sector and industry, including the field of training and development in the form of technology-based training.
Technology-based training is “…the learning of content via all electronic technology, including the Internet, intranets, satellite broadcasts…video and audio conferencing, Internet conferencing, chat rooms, e-bulletin boards, webcasts, [and] computer-based instruction…” (ASTD, 2005 as cited in Koller, Harvey, & Magnotta, n.d., p. 4).
As the definition describes, technology-based training encompasses many forms of technology, including online learning, web-based learning, computer-based learning, and e-learning. While reviewing this module, you may see these terms used interchangeably to denote technology-based learning.
Keywords: technology-based learning, online learning, web-based learning, computer-based learning, e-learning.
While reading the content, pay attention to the definition of technology-based training, its potential, and how it is changing on-the-job training.
Technology-Based Learning Strategies (opens in a new tab)(4 pages)
Read the following sections:
Overview – introductory paragraph (pp. 3-4)
What is Technology-Based Training (p. 4)
Technology-Based Learning’s Potential (pp. 4-6)
4 Ways Technology is Changing On-the-Job Training (opens in a new tab)(2 pages)
Types of Technology-Based Training
Technology-based training has impacted the way that training and development is delivered within organizations. This includes the use of different delivery modes (e.g. asynchronous vs. synchronous), training methods (e.g. web conferences, online forums, e-learning), and emerging technologies (e.g. artificial intelligence, virtual reality, etc.).
Delivery Modes
Synchronous learning and asynchronous learning are used to describe two modes of delivering technology-based training. Similar to traditional classroom training, each delivery mode can also be taught using different teaching modes: instructor-centric, content-centric, and learner-centric.
Keywords: asynchronous, synchronous, instructor-centric, content-centric, learner-centric.
While reviewing the content, take note of the differences between the various  delivery modes (asynchronous and synchronous) and teaching modes (instructor-centric, content-centric, and learner-centric).
Technology-Based Learning Strategies (opens in a new tab)(3 pages)
Read the following sections:
Synchronous and Asynchronous Delivery Modes (pp. 15-16)
Instructor-Centric, Content-Centric and Learner-Centric Teaching (pp. 16-17)
Training Methods
In addition to the various delivery modes, there are also different types of synchronous and asynchronous training methods, such as online forums, virtual classrooms, virtual reality and augmented reality, etc.
Throughout this course, you have used a number of technologies to access learning materials, including e-learning (LinkedIn Learning), live webinars (WebEx), and a learning management system (Avenue to Learn).
Keywords: tutorials, web conferences, online forums, electronic mailing lists, wikis and virtual collaborative spaces, blogs, simulations, goal-based scenarios, gaming, learning management system (LMS), learning content management system (LCMS), integrated learning systems, e-learning, virtual classroom, webinar, mobile training, virtual reality and augmented reality.
While reading the selected resources, familiarize yourself with the different technology-based training methods. Which methods have you participated in? Which methods are synchronous? Which methods are asynchronous?
Technology-Based Learning Strategies (opens in a new tab)(3 pages)
Read the section: C. Methodologies and Tools (pp. 13-15)
E-Learning (opens in a new tab)(1 page)
Virtual Classroom (opens in a new tab)(1 page)
Webinar (opens in a new tab)(1 page)
Mobile Training (opens in a new tab)(1 page)
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (opens in a new tab)(1 page)
Next, spend some time browsing the company websites below, which offer technology-based training products.
LinkedIn Learning: Online Courses, Classes, Training, Tutorials (opens in a new tab)(browse)
Cisco WebEx – Online Meetings and Video Conferencing (opens in a new tab)(browse)
Skillsoft: Online Training | Corporate Learning | eLearning (opens in a new tab)(browse)
STRIVR | Immersive Learning & Training in Virtual Reality (opens in a new tab)(browse)
Emerging Technologies for Workplace Training
As technology is constantly evolving, a number of technologies have been emerging in the technology-based learning space, including the introduction of virtual reality and augmented reality for workplace training.
Keywords: workplace e-learning, learning technology, information communications technology, learning content management systems, social media and social interaction, mobile and ubiquitous learning facilities, computer simulations/immersive virtual reality, educational data mining and learning analytics, computer-based learning assistance and cognitive processing and high-order thinking facilities, virtual reality and augmented reality.
As you read the content below, take note of the different emerging technologies. How can organizations use technologies such as social media, and augmented and virtual reality to facilitate learning? How can educational mining benefit organizations? Which learning content management systems have you used in the past? Which did you like best?
Emerging Technologies for Workplace Learning (opens in a new tab)(11 pages)
From: E-Learning in the Workplace
Worlds on Top of Worlds: Augmented and Virtual Reality in Training (opens in a new tab)(4 pages)
Walmart is Using Virtual Reality to Train its Employees (opens in a new tab)(2 pages)
The Impact of Technology-Based Training
Technology-based training has many advantages and disadvantages to learners and organizations. It has been shown to be as effective as traditional teaching methods especially when best practices leverage the unique capabilities of the technology.
Advantages and Disadvantages
The increasing use of technology-based training in the workplace is due to its many advantages for learners and organizations. These advantages include cost reduction, reduction in training time, pedagogical capabilities, diversity and accessibility, etc. Although there are substantial benefits, the use of technology-based training is not without its challenges.
Keywords: advantages of technology-based training, disadvantages of technology-based training.
As you read the content below, take note of the advantages and disadvantages of technology-based training. In your opinion, do the benefits outweigh the challenges? How can learners and organizations overcome the challenges? Finally, consider the advantages of technology-based training to a remote workforce.
Technology-Based Learning Strategies (opens in a new tab)(6 pages)
Read the section: Benefits and Challenges (pp. 6-11)
Advances in Technology-Based Training(4 pages)
Read the following sections:
Benefits of Training Technology (pp. 31-33)
Costs and Challenges of Training Technology (pp. 33-34)
Meeting the L&D Needs of a Remote Workforce with E-Learning (opens in a new tab)(2 pages)
Research has shown very little difference in student outcomes between technology-based training and traditional classroom-based delivery methods (Bell & Kozlowski, 2007). Similar to traditional classroom-based training, the effectiveness of technology-based training is dependent on a number of factors, including training content, the technology used, and trainee characteristics.
Keywords: effectiveness of technology-based training, training content, technological capabilities, trainee characteristics.
While reading the content, review the factors that influence the effectiveness of technology-based training. In addition, consider why blended learning is often used as an optimal strategy when creating training programs.
Advances in Technology-Based Training (4 pages)
Read the section: Moderating Factors of Effectiveness (pp. 35-38)
Technology-Based Learning Strategies (opens in a new tab)(1 page)
Read the section: Blended Learning (p. 19)
Best Practices
Using technology-based training best practices can increase the effectiveness of technology-based training. These best practices include leveraging the unique instructional capabilities of technology, adopting a learner-centred perspective, and creating a supportive learning environment.
Keywords: technology-based training best practices, leverage the unique instructional capabilities of technology, adopt a learner-centred perspective, and create a supportive learning environment.
While reading the content, pay attention to the guidelines around each technology-based training best practice.
Advances in Technology-Based Training (4 pages)
Read the following sections:
Guidelines for Technology-Based Training Practices (pp. 38-41)
Conclusion (p. 41)
Learning Activity
Practice what you have learned in this module by completing a selection of quiz questions. This graded activity is essential to support your learning. Pay attention to the feedback you receive once it is released, as this will help you identify the concepts that you need to study further.
To complete this learning activity, access the quiz:
Quiz 6: Technology-Based Training
To learn how to access and use quizzes, read Quizzes under the Evaluations module.
Bell, B. S., & Kozlowski, S. W. J. (2007). Advances in technology-based training [Electronic version]. In S. Werner (Ed.), Managing human resources in North America, 27-43. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. Retrieved from https://ecommons.cornell.edu/handle/1813/75179
Bran, L. (2018). Meeting the L&D needs of a remote workforce with e-learning. Retrieved from https://trainingindustry.com/articles/e-learning/meeting-the-ld-needs-of-a-remote-workforce-with-e-learning/
Cisco WebEx. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.webex.ca/en/
Feloni, R. (2017). Walmart is using virtual reality to train its employees. Retrieved from https://www.businessinsider.com/walmart-using-virtual-reality-employee-training-2017-6
Koller, V., Harvey, S., & Magnotta, M. (n.d.). Technology-Based learning strategies. Retrieved from https://www.doleta.gov/reports/papers/tbl_paper_final.pdf
Lynda.com. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.lynda.com/
Oesch, T. (2017). Worlds on top of worlds: Augmented and virtual reality in training. Retrieved from https://trainingindustry.com/articles/learning-technologies/worlds-on-top-of-worlds-augmented-and-virtual-reality-in-training/
Skillsoft. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.skillsoft.com/
STRIVR. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.strivr.com/
Tolan, J. (2017). 4 ways technology is changing on-the-job training. Retrieved from https://www.business.com/articles/4-ways-technology-is-changing-on-the-job-training/
Training Industry. (n.d.). E-learning. Retrieved from https://trainingindustry.com/glossary/e-learning/
Training Industry. (n.d.). Mobile training. Retrieved from https://trainingindustry.com/glossary/mobile-training/
Training Industry. (n.d.). Virtual classroom. Retrieved from https://trainingindustry.com/glossary/virtual-classroom/
Training Industry. (n.d.). Virtual reality and augmented reality. Retrieved from https://trainingindustry.com/glossary/virtual-reality-and-augmented-reality/
Training Industry. (n.d.). Webinar. Retrieved from https://trainingindustry.com/glossary/webinar/
Wang, M. (2018). Emerging technologies for workplace learning. In E-learning in the Workplace. Explorations in the Learning Sciences, Instructional Systems and Performance Technologies (pp. 29-39). Springer, Cham. Retrieved from https://link-springer-com.libaccess.lib.mcmaster.ca/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-64532-2_3