Video #1:“An Evening with Gloria Steinem”: write an overview of her presentation and what you thought about it.

Your essay should be in APA format, around 2 pages (3 maximum), double-spaced, 12pt, and in Times Roman font. Please watch the first 10 minutes of both of the following videos. Then, select the one you would like to watch until the end. When you’re done watching it, read through the questions below.

Video #1:
Please watch “An Evening with Gloria Steinem” from her visit to Brookdale in 2011 (it’s an hour). (Here’s more info about her: When done, write an overview of her presentation and what you thought about it. What were the best parts? Was she what you expected? Did any of her comments surprise you? Any comments you didn’t agree with? Did you learn anything new?

Video #2:
This one is located in the BCC Library’s video collection. Go to the BCC homepage and click on “My Brookdale.” Look for the icon called “Video Library.” Click on it and search for “Miss Representation” (it’s 90 minutes, but it goes fast). After watching, tell me what you thought about it. Here are some questions to help you: Did any statistics surprise and/or upset you? What themes covered in the documentary are the most important ones & why? Who should watch this? Who were the most influential speakers in the documentary and what did they say (meaning they had something important to say, they said it well, and it’s hard for you to forget them and their message)?

Your essay is due via the Mid-Term Assignment in Canvas by midnight on Sunday, July 26, 2020. You can certainly turn it in prior to that date, but it will not be accepted past that date.

Midterm Grading Rubric
The essay is worth 50 points:
Demonstrates knowledge/understanding of material: 25 points
Integrates appropriate quotes/relevant examples: 10 points
Expresses personal opinion: 10 points
Uses proper grammar: 5 points