Discuss whether Hymer’s work is useful in understanding contemporary multinational firms. Draw on real work examples in your answer.

International theories and issues

Maximum 1500 w0rds each question

Critically evaluate whether mercantilist theories can explain recent government policies on international trade.

To what extent is the theory of comparative advantage relevant to international trade in the modern world.

Discuss whether Hymer’s work is useful in understanding contemporary multinational firms. Draw on real work examples in your answer.

Critically evaluate the evolution and usefulness of the product cycle model, drawing on other relevant theories of international production and real work examples.

Drawing on real world examples, critically assess the usefulness of Dunning’s Eclectic Paradigm in facilitating a holistic understanding of foreign direct investment (FDI).


Further important instructions please look at the PPT called revision in the uploaded folder as it contains instructions for what is expected when answering questions
It is very important to rely on theories also to be critical and not descriptive
Please use as support the power point lecture and to guide you all lectures may be relevant also look at
Do not only use information from internet in general the answers must be directly linked to the theories studied in the power points and readings from the reading list you most focus in the content of the power point for the topic you choosed or the question you will answer
All sources should be in Harvard referencing and please rely on the reading list
Also please write in British English and be aware of words were an s and not a z USA English
It is crucial to use real examples or case studies to support your arguments
Please be very careful with plagiarism
Many thanks