Commercial Analysis: describe the theories and principles that are relevant for your analysis and explain how they were implemented.

Commercial Analysis

Answer should be no more than 2000 words (including everything)For the question, you are required to use at least 7 scientific sources (e.g., articles, books, chapters). Non- scientific websites, blogs, and related social media content do not count towards this limit and should be avoided, if possible. References should be correctly cited in the text and also listed in the Reference/Bibliography section at the end of each answer.

Main journals to consult are:
Journal of Consumer Research
Journal of Marketing Research
Journal of Consumer Psychology
Psychology & Marketing
Marketing Letters
Journal of Retailing
Journal of Marketing
Journal of Economic Psychology

Additional instructions:
Note that each citation should refer to the original source of the information. That is, if a book cites another source for the information, then you should refer to the original source rather than the book. However, if the information is the author’s unique viewpoint, then it is perfectly fine to cite the book as the source of the information.
Also, please ensure that each of your citations is correct. It is strongly suggested that you read the original source of the information, rather than relying on a secondhand source (such as a citation from the course slides). Obviously incorrect citations would be a strong negative signal that the information in the assignment may not be accurate, or that the assignment has not been done carefully.
Please also try to ensure that your assignment is well-written; i.e., with good sentence structure and free of spelling errors. For people whose native language is not English, you may want to try to take extra care with this, the best you can. Obvious spelling and/or grammar errors would be a strong signal that the assignment has not been done (or checked) carefully.
Finally, if relevant, it may be helpful to have headings and subheadings in your assignment to refer to different theories that you use. This may make the assignment easier to read. You can bold and/or underline these if you like. For example, if you refer to 2 different theories, you could highlight (bold/underline) each of these so that it’s easier for me to see the precise structure of your paper without having to take multiple looks through it.
Analysing a commercial

Ideal answers will include four sections:
Introduction and short description of the commercial you are going to analyse. This will help you focus on the most important aspects of the commercial. (Around 200 words)
Analysis of the commercial from the perspective of the consumer behavior principles!!

Describe the theories and principles that are relevant for your analysis and explain how they were implemented. Use subheadings to structure your analysis. (Around 1500 words)
Short evaluation of what was good and bad about the commercial. This should be based on your analysis and not only just your personal opinion. It is fine to let your personal opinion and preferences guide your thoughts in this section, but your statements in this section should be backed up by your analysis. Simply saying that you liked it (or did not like it) is not enough. It has to be based on your analysis in section 2. (Around 300 words)
References/Bibliography. Use formal citation rules (either APA or Harvard).

The Project:
Commercial #4 (Amazon Prime):

Theory 1: Exposure, attention, & perception

Hoyer, MacInnis, & Pieters (2017), “Consumer Behavior,” (7th Edition), published by Mindtap Course List/Cengage Learning – Chapter 3
(I will send book as PDF)
Example literature:
Peck & Childers (2008) – Effects of sensory factors on consumer behaviour
Dijksterhuis et al. 2005 – The unconscious consumer: Effects of environment
Theory 2: Forming & retrieving memories
Hoyer, MacInnis, & Pieters (2017), “Consumer Behavior,” (7th Edition), published by Mindtap Course List/Cengage Learning – Chapter 4
Example literature:
Mantonakis et al. (2008) – Consumer memory, fluency and familiarity
Freistad & Wright 1995 – Persuasion knowledge