Choose a sentence or short passage from ‘The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon OR Romeo and Juliet’ and explain how it portrays the importance of specific details throughout the story. how does the author use it to describe a specific character or situation? what significance does it have to the plot?

Choose a sentence or short passage from ‘The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon OR Romeo and Juliet’ and explain how it portrays the importance of specific details throughout the story. How does the author use it to describe a specific character or situation? What significance does it have to the plot?

Include the sentence or short passage at the top of your page and include a page number if you have one. Your analysis/explanation should follow. Note that your response must be at least one page in length (not including the sentence or short passage) but no more than two pages. A Works Cited page is not necessary.

Note: This should not be just a summary of the sentence/short passage. Provide analysis and offer details.

This piece will automatically be run through . Papers that include any plagiarized material will receive a ‘0.’ Do not consult SparkNotes or CliffNotes or Shmoop or any other online study guide. I want your ideas.

Some difficulties you might encounter:

Thinking you have nothing to say: Dig beneath the surface of the sentence or short passage and explore possible connections and interpretations. If you run out of things to say, you probably have not asked enough questions about the text as a whole or done enough active reading.

Bringing in outside information: Do not do research on the text or consult outside sources for this particular writing piece. For this assignment, I am interested in your analysis of the sentence or passage/ideas themselves.

Grading Guidelines:

A papers will be those that are exceptional. They will go above and beyond the assignment and demonstrate your mastery of the material.

B papers will be good. You will show competence in completing the assignment and fulfill the assignment completely.

C papers are satisfactory. They will demonstrate your effort on the assignment and will not be lacking any required element.

D papers represent poor work. These assignments meet the requirements of the assignment on a basic level. They may be missing required elements or fail in some other way to fully complete the assignment.

F papers are failing and have not fulfilled the assignment on a basic level.

**Papers containing any degree of plagiarism will have points deducted.*