Write a 6-8 page of the way circumstances in a case study unfairly impact members of one or more diverse populations, and the cultural competencies psychology, counseling, or medical professionals may use to help resolve such issues

Cultural Competency and Research Analysis

Write a 6-8 page of the way circumstances in a case study unfairly impact members of one or more diverse populations, and the cultural competencies psychology, counseling, or medical professionals may use to help resolve such issues. Present research methods and findings that support your thinking and your approach to the developmental and cultural concerns of the case.

Consider ulture impacts development, behaviors, attitudes, and choices in terms of daily interactions with persons similar to or different from you. In the workplace, cultural awareness is critical, particularly in terms of the changing demographics in our society. Most jobs involve working with people from different cultural backgrounds. These individuals can be coworkers, clients, supervisors, or subordinates. To be successful, it is important to develop the ability to work and interact with people from different cultures. In other words, you need to be culturally competent.

Use the following resource to identify and address some of the cultural concerns.

Introduction to Hays’s ADDRESSING Model [PDF].​
Hays’s ADDRESSING model includes 10 major factors of cultural difference that are most common in the United States. This model is very helpful for recognizing cultural differences and potential bias.
Think of this assessment as a report you would make in a professional context.

Analyze how the problem described in the case study you selected may unfairly impact members of the populations described in the Introduction to Hays’s ADDRESSING Model document. Initially, you should brainstorm as many such effects as possible that relate to the case you selected.
When you have developed many entries, combine ideas that are similar.
Assess each of your remaining entries in terms of importance:
In what ways is it inequitable?
How great or severe is the effect?
How many people may be affected?
Take care that you do not allow your own biases to minimize your assessments.
Choose the entry that seems to be of greatest importance on the basis of your evaluation, and elaborate on that aspect for your selected case.

Write a 6–8 page paper in which you examine three main areas as they relate to the specific case you have selected:

Theory: Application of theory to the specific case.
Research: Understanding of research methods and application of findings.
Cultural Competence: Knowledge and application of cultural competency skills.
Select a minimum of two theories that are relevant to the case you chose. The theories should help explain concerns for the client, such as developmental or contextual issues. Analyze how those psychological theories point toward potential solutions for a problem.
Of the theories you select, make sure at least one provides a framework for understanding the cultural issues between the individuals in the case.
Explain how these theories help us to understand the individual client or patient in the case and how they can direct the professionals in the case to a potential solution.
Note that theory can help us understand where the individual (client or patient) is in her development. For example, psychosocial theory would help explain individual development, or ecological systems theory would help explain the impact of environmental interaction on the individual.

Select two original research studies that help us understand the situation in the case you selected and potentially lead to interventions in the case.
Cite the research studies, using APA style.
Explain the research design and methods used in the research studies. What type of research was conducted, who was studied, and how?
Describe the researchers’ findings.
Next, explain how the findings in the studies relate to the case you selected. How do these findings help us formulate a potential solution or intervention in the case?

Cultural Competence
Use a model of cultural competency to explain the competencies needed for working in a culturally diverse environment.
Apply those cultural competencies to assist the professional in your case to help resolve a particular culture-related issue.
Construct a plan to develop your own professional cultural sensitivity. For this section you may write in first person.
Explain how the guidelines you developed for the professional will help guide you in your future work as a professional.
Discuss some steps you could take to further your own growth in cultural competencies.
The following is a recommended structure for organizing your work for this assessment:

Create a title page:

Write a brief title that concisely conveys the purpose of this report. It is suggested that you use the APA Paper Template [DOCX] to format your paper according to the APA manual (current edition).
Write an introduction: For the introduction section of your paper, include the title at the top of the first page. (In APA format, the word Introduction is not used as a heading.) Briefly summarize:
The case you have chosen.
How theories and research, in general terms, explain why the issue may have developed.
How the case relates to culture-related attitudes that may affect future professional behavior.
Create a heading titled Cultural Issue: Describe how the circumstances in the case study you chose unfairly impact members of one or more of the populations described in the Introduction to Hays’s ADDRESSING Model document.
Create a heading titled Theoretical Explanations: Apply two or more psychological theories to explain how this culture-related issue may have developed.
Create a heading titled Professional Behaviors: Analyze how attitudes related to culture, ethnicity, and diversity may have adversely affected professional behaviors within the case study scenario.
Create a heading titled Research Findings: Present the research methods and findings from two research studies and analyze how they relate to your selected case.
Create a heading titled Proposed Cultural Guidelines and Competencies:
Evaluate what cultural competencies a psychologist may use to help resolve this culture-related issue.
Propose general guidelines to improve or resolve this cultural issue and help prevent its reoccurrence.
Describe the competencies necessary for working in a culturally diverse environment.
Integrate psychological principles with your personal values and goals to formulate guidelines for your personal and professional behavior with regard to culture, ethnicity, and diversity.
Create a heading titled Conclusion:
Reflect upon and assess how your own attitudes associated with culture, ethnicity, and diversity may affect your future professional behaviors.
Explain how the guidelines you developed will help you.
Discuss some steps you could take to further your own growth in cultural competencies.
Refer to the Cultural Competency and Research Analysis Scoring Guide to ensure you meet the criteria for this assessment.