Write a report of 1,500 words that provides a pedagogical and theoretical rationale for planning with a particular focus on why the use of technology would engage learners and promote active learning

Critical analysis of technology in education and learning

write a report of 1,500 words that provides a pedagogical and theoretical rationale for planning with a particular focus on why the use of technology would engage learners and promote active learning.                                                                                                                                   The report should also consider how you could measure the impact of the introduction of your activity.

Learning objectives

  1. Explain the salient features of theories of technology in education and evaluate the advantages and challenges of TEL for learners and learning.
  2. Plan and deliver instruction which appropriately integrates technology, including anticipating and solving user issues, and critically evaluate its impact on teaching and learning.
  3. Adapt an existing course or module in their own teaching context to incorporate TEL into input and assessment and justify the inclusion of that technology in theoretical terms, with relation to relevant literature.