Explain whether force can be used in self defence by a state when the armed attack that it is responding to was perpetrated by a non-state actor.

Explain whether force can be used in self defence by a state when the armed attack that it is responding to was perpetrated by a non-state actor.

Form of the essay:
Text (including quotations) must be in Times New Roman 12 point font.
• Line spacing must be at one and a half lines; except that indented quotations may have single line spacing.
• Margins of at least 2 cm must be used at the top and bottom of the page, and 2.5 cm on the right and left sides of the page.
• Footnotes or end notes must be included within the specified page allowance; each note must be no smaller than 10 point font and must start on a new line.
• Pages should be numbered.

Note: Pages should be numbered at the bottom.