Explain the methods used to review documents and state the methods used when comparing two documents to align.

Harmonization of NWRS with (into) the NDP.

The document mainly concerns the NWRS and NDP.Importance of access to clean water to as a means to poverty reduction, economic growth and social well being. affairs department has been implementing  its project on clean water and sanitation services is one of the ways of improving living standards in Somalia as one of the developing countries in Africa. This project has The NWRS aims to ensure the adoption of a holistic approach that will aid in the promotion of human health and reduction of poverty as well and improved sanitation in many villages in Somalia. For this aim to be achieved, the project has combined natural resource management and infrastructure development. The main principle applied been the formation of a local capital at the communal level. All this project implementation will be majorly aimed at giving support to the people of Somalia via the facilitation of water-related adaptation actions as per the country national water framework implementation plan, which aims to provide clean water. This will also be a way of promoting general hygiene and climate resilience, water security, and part of the countries sustainable and national developments goals for human safety and improved standards of living and economic growth.
For this to be achieved united nations water and safety programme has placed a lot of emphasis on integrated water resources management as well as a national water development plan for this goal of clean water provision to be actualized.  The project will have several components ranging from; expansion of the current water supply systems and the development of the energy systems to ensure the generation of surplus water that can be spread to the neighbouring states once the country’s primary demand for water is met. The other component will be the supply of the surplus water resource generated after completing the countries immediate demand for water and thus developing and promoting the country’s economic activities from the returns. However, this will call for community involvement as well to ensure that the two components are achieved and implemented accordingly.
Therefore as a consultant, I will review the NWRS to align with the National Development Plan 2020-2024, which will be the referencing document to guide the ministries to work horrizontally in implementing the NWRS strategies with same lengths. would like to support the implementation of this planned water supply project as the country’s national water sanitation and supply engineer.

Duty Station Objectives Of The Consultancy Services
In short, the objectives of this consultancy is to help the Ministry of Planning in developing guidelines on how the NWRS strategies could be aligned with the NDP. The NWRS is new, which is produced by the ministry of Energy and Water Resource Management, but this must harmonize with the Natinoal Development Plan developed by the Ministry of Planning.
The primary purpose of the project will be to review NWRS inline with National Development Plan 9. The strategies of the new NWRS must mirror the 4 pillars of the NDP, which dictates the national plan for the coming 4 years. carry out an assessment and evaluation of the viability of the stipulated Somalia urban sanitation and water project considering both the Somalia and the United States sustainable development goals as well as the other recent energy developments which have been happening in the country’s capital.
The other primary objective will be to establish both feasibility and prefeasibility supporting documents and study reports which will aid in funds mobilization for the sanitation and water supply project to be implemented in the countries capital. In addition, this objective will also entail the provision of detailed terms of reference, which will enhance coming up with a suitable project/ water and sewerage plant construction and maintenance plan.
To ensure the generation and presentation of sufficient data and information regarding the whole project, which will aid decision-making regarding how the project will be funded. the entire project must be aligned to the criteria which the united Nations water and sanitation programme has always employed in the same regional
Basic sanitation and water infrastructure projects in the past. The project’s budget should also be relevant and achievable since this will attract interested potential funders.
The other primary objective will be to preset and generate data and information sufficient to include institutional arrangements, financial arrangements, and technical concepts, enabling the project partners in the United States and Somalia to come into a formal agreement regarding the entire water project.
Explain the methods used to review documents and state the methods used when comparing two documents to align. You should mention some theories or strategies.
You should also consider that this is deskjob review, I will be doing it from desk.

Scope of work this will entail:
Scope: review the Whole NWRS document strategies and NDP9
Alignment: Align NWRS with the NDP
Guidelines: Give guidelines to the ministry of planning on how to incorporates the NWRS strategies into the NDP

The inception phase pre-preparatory works
The main aim of this first project phase will be to familiarize the consultant with the baseline and prevailing situation regarding the project. The primary expectation is that the consultant visits review the readily available documents and also initially visits the project area for him to be in a position to prepare a detailed inception report afterwards. The inception report will contain details of the methodology employed in implementing the project and the project implementation plan of the consultancy service subsequent phases.
The main tasks entrusted to the consultant will be;
To carry out an assessment and thus give his overview regarding the current status of water infrastructure in the countries capital metropolitan area.
identification of quick wins, which serves as the already established infrastructure and service delivery system
Which can be used accordingly without creating a need for a more detailed design or even a feasibility study.
Collecting and reviewing all the information, which is available, and clearly defining the gaps that will be plugged by implanting the proposed feasibility study.
Qualifications Of The Required Consultant
Looks ok, but you should use points like 1, 2 etc.
The project is supposed to be run by a multilingual, dynamic, competent and highly qualified consultancy which has in the past demonstrated his project management, administration and consultancy expertise by serving at the same capacity and in similar organizations. the consultant should be equipped with the necessary skills to ensure that he will be in a position to adequately manage, organize and also utilize all the transferable resources and abilities. Additionally, the consultant should have a solid past background in service delivery knowledge and community engagement knowledge with NGO context and the related government schemes.