How could one operate as a counselor from a Christian worldview and not impose values, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors onto your clients?

Based on the definitions given in : Introduction to Counseling by: Simmons, Robyn T. / Lilley, Stacey C. / Kuhnley, Anita M. Knight (Chap 4: pages 151-157)

Chapter for a Christian counselor, pastoral counselor, lay counselor, biblical counselor, and professional counselor with a Christian worldview, which  roles currently  identify with or aspire to the most and why? What  issues are needed to be payed attention unto in professional development as one navigate between professional counseling and the Christian faith commitments that you may have?

What views align with an integration model?

How could one operate as a counselor from a Christian worldview and not impose values, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors onto your clients?