Explain  the risks of virtual teams

Explain  the risks of virtual teams. Specifically, internationalization and localization.
Localization entails customization related to:
Numeric, date and time formats
Use of currency
Keyboard usage
Collation and sorting
Symbols, icons and colors
Text and graphics containing references to objects, actions or ideas which, in a given culture, may be subject to misinterpretation or viewed as insensitive.
Varying legal requirements
A guide for the use of color in international communications. Click for more options A guide for the use of color in international communications. – Alternative Formats
Why do you think that this is important when managing a global team regardless of the technology platform such as social media?

There is also a reason why companies choose certain colors for their brand Logos and other printed material.


Seems like nuance but in the global world of work color takes on different meanings. You no doubt thought before taking this class that communications was fairly simple, just be straight forward and frank with people. The reality is that effective communication is complex and rewarding when done well. This course was designed to make you aware and expand your use of tools, tips and techniques to enable you to become a more effective project stakeholder communicator.

Review the following article post Click for more options video post – Alternative Formats on two takeaways that you did not know before you read the article and how they might impact how you would set up a virtual meeting using Skype or Webex with an international multicultural team.