Explain the impact of current terrorist strategies on the Usa interests.why is this a terrorist strategy?

Explain the impact of Current Terrorist Strategies On The Usa Interests.

This paper must include a brief history of the strategy as well as answer the following questions:

Why is this a terrorist strategy? Which terrorists use this strategic method?  Why? When is this strategic method effective?  Why? What are the flaws of this strategy?  Why? and What infrastructures support the use of this method as part of a terrorist strategy?  How and Why?
The paper must include 11  full pages of content, excluding the title page, abstract
Papers will be in APA format and must use at least 5 primary and 5 secondary sources to demonstrate the plausibility of a clearly stated, analytical thesis. Total of 10 sources minimum

Restrict your sources to newspaper articles from major national and international papers, published journals and magazine articles, academic sources, and websites from major organizations and government agencies. Course materials may be used as a reference, but it does not count toward the minimum number of sources. Encyclopedias and dictionaries are not appropriate sources for college level work. Online sources are fine, but they must be authoritative sources.

Below is the strategy and the outline of the essay. Please use the information below to support the essay.

Intimidation Strategy in Terrorism
Impact of Current Terrorist Strategies On The Usa Interests
Thesis statement; although there are multiple approaches utilized by terrorists, the intimidation strategy has become a common approach over the past 50 years and it has impacted the US interest by creating market uncertainties and fear of investment.
The terrorist intimidation strategy is often short-term and it is linked to increasing the terrorist group influence in the area (Stelmach, 2017).
The approach aims to harm the government to the extent that people will consider joining the army to be risky due to increasing attacks.
The other motive of intimidation strategy is spoiling the alliance of a nation by attacking the aid nation or attacking political leaders (Stelmach, 2017).
The bombing of the September 21, 1976 assassination of the former member of the Chilean government by planting a bomb in the car in Washington. The intention was probably to destroy the economic ties between the USA and Chile (Piazza, 2017).
September 11, 2001 attack, by Al-Qaida, focused on destabilizing the US economy by considering it an unsafe place to invest due to increased insecurity (Stelmach, 2017).
The terrorist group tries to intimidate Americans by convincing them that they are stronger hence tourism and investors are discouraged from visiting the nation (Wilkinson, 2019).
Billions of the USA’s capital has been destroyed through terrorist attack hence reducing the economic viability of the country (Martina, 2017).
Another way the USA’s interests for economic progress have been hampered is the diverging of public and private resources away from productive investment and directing them to counter-terrorism measures (Piazza, 2017).

Martina, D. (2017). EU-USA cooperation on information sharing in the fight against terrorism: the roles of privacy and security, and the cases of the TFTP and PNR agreements.
Piazza, J. A. (2017). The determinants of domestic right-wing terrorism in the USA: Economic grievance, societal change and political resentment. Conflict management and peace science, 34(1), 52-80.
Stelmach, J. (2017). Goals of terrorist attacks in the perspective of the indirect strategy of terrorism. Zeszyty Naukowe/Wyższa Szkoła Oficerska Wojsk Lądowych im. gen. T. Kościuszki.
Wilkinson, P. (2019). Terrorist movements. In Terrorism: Theory and practice (pp. 99-117). Routledge.