Write a 5–7-page review on ”the clash of civilizations and the remaking of World Order”

Book Review

Understanding events around us and the different ways they can be explained, especially with the Bible in mind, will help us keep a clear vision of our future and responsibilities as Christians. In a professional, or even everyday life setting, one must be able to identify key elements which can guide them to balanced and biblical interpretations and solutions. This assignment aims to sharpen analytical competences, research, and synthetization abilities as well as information interpretation and presentation skills.


You will write a 5–7-page review on the following book:

The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order” .

The Book Review include the following sections:

Introduction,Summary,Analysis (praise and criticism) ,Personal Response and Conclusion.        Use 5 – 6 quotes ( not references, but actual quotes) from the book to support your claims and present at least 7 geopolitically relevant points in your analysis (make connections to geopolitical issues and subjects that you have read about in the course so far as well as new ones you might find in the book-such as certain conflicts, culture, diplomatic issues, etc.). Make these connections clear in your analysis.Include biblical support in your review.Length of assignment: 5 – 7 pages (not including the title page and bibliography).Format: Turabian (12-point Times New Roman font, be double spaced with 1-inch margins, and follow current Turabian format).