write a brief summary of a scholarly journal article that pertains to one of the assigned works from  anthology or from the online readings (Mary Rowlandson’s narrative or Swift’s “A Beautiful Young Nymph Going to Bed”).


Write a brief summary of a scholarly journal article that pertains to one of the assigned works from  anthology or from the online readings (Mary Rowlandson’s narrative or Swift’s “A Beautiful Young Nymph Going to Bed”).

First, you will chose a scholarly journal article that addresses one of the works that you have been assigned to read for this class (from the anthology or from the assigned works posted in Canvas).        The source must be a scholarly journal article that you found in the SCF library databases (it cannot be from a stand-alone website); it also must be longer than eight pages (do NOT use the journal, The Explicator). Try to chose a work that you think is crucial to your understanding of the primary source (the work from our anthology).

For finding articles about literature, try using JSTOR or Academic Search Complete.

Second, carefully and critically read the article, noting passages that are crucial to the article’s main argument/thesis. Try to fully comprehend the author’s argument and evidence and convey this understanding to your reader.

Third, write a brief summary of the article (do not include your own commentary on the article). Your summary should be 2-3 pages (DOUBLE-SPACED), excluding the Works Cited page, and should clearly indicate the main points of the article. Keep a formal diction and avoid first-person pronouns and contractions.