What is american hate? explain using outside sources

American Hate

Think beyond the history, dynamics, and consequences of the Ku Klux Klan by investigating contemporary hate groups (e.g., American Skinheads, White Aryan Resistance, etc.).


The International Commission on Human Rights needs your help. They have contacted you and requested a brief report on the types of white supremacist groups found on the World Wide Web. After informing them that it is simply impossible to do justice to the historical and current complexities of hate groups, you nonetheless agree to alert them to some of the most basic and significant things any technologically competent person can discover on the web. After surfing the web and thinking about what you see and read, provide the Commission with a brief report on select hate groups in America. Among other things, you might find it useful to focus on:
-the contemporary targets of these groups
-their justifications for their actions
-their recruitment strategies
-the place of women within the rank and file of these groups.