What is the angle, or the major idea about the artist that you are exploring?

Research  on any artist of your choice from the 1700s to the present. You will identify a specific idea that you want to focus on for this artist.Focus beyond just details of the artist’s life and art. Make sure you are clearly identifying your theme in this proposal.
Write a draft introduction paragraph for your final paper that tells the reader what the paper is about . Remember this is not a biography paper, so your introduction should go beyond “we will explore the art and life of X X artist.” What is the angle, or the major idea bout the artist (or artwork) that you are exploring? Your introduction should be no less than four complete statements, but will likely be more than this.
Finally, you should list at three of the sources you plan to use to write your final paper. These should be listed in APA format. Remember that Wikipedia it not a scholarly source – so do not include that