What can an anthropological study of childrearing about American culture?

Cultural Construction of Personhood

What can an anthropological study of childrearing about American culture?

How do American childrearing practices reflect anthropological theories regarding the cultural construction of personhood? Are these practices consistently individualistic or holistic? Or both? Are there any contradictions within these practices?

Your essay should have an introduction with a main point, body paragraphs with transitions between them, and a conclusion (that is actually a conclusion and not just a summary of your main points!!)

You should use evidence to support your points.

Use the information from the reading on individualistic and holistic personhood (Robbins’ “Cultural Construction of Identity) and analyze the material on the following site:


Papers that offer evidence/citations from any other sources (i.e. other than the website and the Robbins paper) will receive a failing grade. So no need for outside sources!

Only examine and discuss data for children aged 0-6/toddler & pre-school. Don’t write about children older than 6

When you offer a quote or a citation from the website, use the following system:

(familyeducation, sleep)