prepare a comprehensive paper of at least 20 pages (APA format) on your findings

Security on the Internet: problems and solutions

Students should research the literature and interview people who are involved in projects at their workplace if possible. Students should prepare a comprehensive paper of at least 20 pages (APA format) on their findings. The paper should propose a fictional company, then students should incorporate their findings from their interview and research and justify a business case for the use of the technology.
Students will develop their projects in phases:
Proposal/Outline (due in Week 2)
Annotated Bibliography (due in Week 4)
Project Draft (due in Week 6)
Final Project (due in Week 8)
Each phase of the project is worth a certain amount of the student’s final grade in the course. See the Syllabus for the exact weight of each project phase in the final course grade.

Suggested Topics (students may suggest their own):

Advertising on the Web: options and trends
Search engine optimization, use and strategies
Security issues, problems and solutions in organizational IT systems
Legal and technical problems and solutions in medical IT systems
Security on the Internet: problems and solutions
Facilitation of collaborative work using IT systems
Using virtual reality in businesses
A case study:  a successful strategic IT system
A case study:  a failed IT development project
Customer privacy issues
Challenges and solutions using social media
Data mining
RFID: trends and challenges

These are just general topic suggestions but focus and narrow your topic as much as possible. For example, ‘Internet security’ would not be an acceptable topic since it is much too broad and you could easily write 100 pages and not cover the topic effectively.

Find a business problem — solve the problem with technology.

Not acceptable: Security on the Internet
Acceptable: Security of Internet wi-fi connections at The Coffee Shop.
Not acceptable: Virtual reality
Acceptable: Using virtual reality to train machine operators at Acme Corp.
Not acceptable: RFID
Acceptable: Tracking patient movements at General Hospital with RFID