Write a paragraph explaining your analysis, and whether you prefer to invest in the base case or in the extension case, and why.


Step 1:Read the background information. In this project, you will find the best investment portfolio using Excel Solver considering the budget and other constraints that are given to you by management. As you read the assignment, try to figure out what is the objective, what are the changing cells and constraints. Please note that the starter Excel spreadsheet with some data inserted is provided on blackboard.

Step 2: Complete assignment 1A—Base case. Start by filling out the spreadsheet provided to you with formulas and then run Excel Solver to find the best investment mix given the constraints.

Step 3:  Complete assignment 1B—Extension Case. This case builds up on the base case (1A). Please copy and paste your spreadsheet for the base case on a different tab and then you can add/remove changes in the spreadsheet and excel solver introduced in the extension case.

Step 4: Complete assignment 2A—In a separate tab, prepare the summary table that is discussed in the assignment, summarizing the key results for the base and extension case.

Step 5: Complete assignment 2B—Write a paragraph explaining your analysis, and whether you prefer to invest in the base case or in the extension case, and why. You can choose either one, as long as you explain why using the parameters in your analysis.  Skip assignment 3 Final output should include:1.One tab (sheet) for the base case (1A)2.One tab (sheet) for the extension case (2A)3.One tab (sheet) for the summary tableland your brief to management (2A&2B).