Right dosage of Statin being used and 3 month screening for Lipids(LDL)-Explain everything and different section but as  mentioned only the first 3 sections and recommendations for stage 4.

Audit: Right dosage of Statin being used and 3 month screening for Lipids(LDL).

This is an Audit about the right dose usage in prescribing Statins and also screening for Blood Lipid levels 3months, after experiencing a myocardial infarction.

Data has already been collected and results are shown on the table in a word file and results have been discussed under it.

Explain everything and different section but as  mentioned only the first 3 sections and recommendations for stage 4.

The Assessment is at the end of this file so make sure you read the criteria and assessments as I am aiming for merit.

Explain more about each section and give you examples of each section for example how to data analysis in section 3 and usage of tables and charts are important.

The data is collected in the table that is needed to be discussed and evaluated and analyzed. the results are made under.

Understand each criterion that is needed and how to discuss them and being able to understand what is needed to be included.