Health Issue: Select one of the health-related issues listed below. Describe the issue and use the nursing process to solve the health issues.

Describe the history and evolution of the nursing process (this must include a review of literature).

Nursing Process: Describe each stage of the nursing process. Provide an example of each stage of the nursing process.


Include the role and purpose of the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA)

Identify the strengths of this classification system

Identify the limitations of this classification system

Nursing Process and Critical Thinking: Compare and contrast the nursing process and critical thinking.

Health Issue: Select one of the health-related issues listed below. Describe the issue and use the nursing process to solve the health issues.

Assess: Subjective and objective data gathering – You will need to make your own data up for the health issue you select.

Diagnose: Identify a priority nursing diagnosis for this health issue. Use NANDA and PES format (Problem, Etiology (related factors)) and Signs/Symptoms (defining characteristics).

Plan: Identify desired outcomes and express in short and long-term goals.

Implement: Identify independent, interdependent (collaborative) and dependent nursing interventions to address the nursing diagnosis and established goals.

Evaluate: Identify the effectiveness of the process by evaluating goal accomplishment.