In a brief introduction, discuss the purpose of fire department organization and structure.


In a brief introduction, discuss the purpose of fire department organization and structure.

Explain structure, protocols, behavior/culture, vision, mission, goals, and objectives as they relate to overall department organization.

Explain the value of training, education, and credentialing in relation to department organization. Support this with a specific example from your department.

Describe how proper implementation of incident management procedures, such as Incident Action Plans and the National Incident Management System, contribute to effective fire department organization.

Discuss how data collection and trend identification can aid in a fire chief’s forward planning efforts. Support this with a specific example from your department.

Describe your department’s role in emergency management. Include how the fire chief and department leadership can influence community leaders. Support this with a specific example from your department.

Describe how the strategic planning process affects department organization. Support this with a specific example from your department.