Evaluate the importance of continuous professional development in order to develop an action plan for future employ-ability.

Career Development and Employ-ability for HR.

The reflection should specifically address the following three areas:

Critically evaluate your current level of personal performance in relation to relevant professional skills and behaviors.

What are the requirements for working in your chosen career? What are the professional standards?

What are the behaviors required? Do you have the appropriate skills and competencies which are required? Can you map your own skills against the requirements of your chosen profession?

Analyze and review your own on line professional identity and your elevator pitch to communicate achievements, experience and skills development – with examples/links to your own (this does not have to be live).

With reference to your evidence within the portfolio discuss on line identity (show the link to your own on-line presence).

Consider to what extent is it important to have a professional on line presence and its relevance to your chosen career.?

Evaluate your Personal Career Action Plan for implementation over approx. 2 years

What extent is Career Development Planning important? What have you included in your Action Plan and why?

Evaluate the importance of continuous professional development in order to develop an action plan for future employ-ability.

Critically reflect on and evaluate current level of personal performance in relation to relevant professional bodies/codes of practice.

Identify and apply a reflective model to evaluate own employ-ability skills and capabilities in order to develop a personal development plan.

Connect with other members of relevant online and physical professional networks.