Discuss three of Hofstede’s national culture dimensions. Using examples from MNEs that you are familiar with, explain some of the implications of these dimensions for international business?


In deciding whether to export to another country or production site, based on your understanding of trade theory and theories of FDI what are the key considerations for international managers making this choice? Give examples where necessary.

Some countries, many being developing countries, peg their currency to the US dollar. What effect does a rapid appreciation or devaluation of the dollar have on those countries? If you were an exporter from an emerging country to the United States would you prefer a strong or weak dollar? Explain

Discuss three of Hofstede’s national culture dimensions. Using examples from MNEs that you are familiar with, explain some of the implications of these dimensions for international business?

What are the main advantages and disadvantages of the ethnocentric, polycentric, and geocentric approaches to staffing policy? Using examples from MNEs that you are familiar with, explain when each approach is necessary?

MNEs are constantly refining their R&D departments to develop new products and not simply focusing on improving their current offerings. Explain the main reasons for this decision by

McDonald’s in India: No Hamburgers Please!

(Source: McDonald’s sells hamburgers. https://thelib.info/tehnologii/3089124-mcdonald-s-sells- hamburgers/)

What are the approaches available to McDonalds that allow them to use international markets and locations competitively?

Discuss the approach of internationalization to India that McDonalds is following.

Discuss the cultural, economic and political barriers that McDonalds faced in India. What could senior managers do before and after mergers to alleviate these barriers?

Using the FSA – CSA Matrix, explain the relative strengths and weaknesses of the CSAs and FSAs that McDonalds possess.

What lessons can be learned by other MNEs from McDonald’s experience in India?