Develop a creative name for your company! Determine what type of business your company is – as an example, is it an Accounting Firm? A Call Center?

Extra Credit Opportunity  Employment Practices,

Develop a creative name for your company! Determine what type of business your company is – as an example, is it an Accounting Firm? A Call Center?

It can be anything you choose. Establish a communication plan to bring the employees back to work that outlines:

Why they need to return to work.

What the expectations are when they return.

Do they all come back on the same day, or is it staged? Why?

How do you create engagement for them? Know that some will be happy, others not so much. Some will have daycare issues, etc.

How do you motivate them?

What are your contingencies if some refuse?

Summarize all of the above in a paper format. You can use resources to support if you choose, but remember to cite appropriately.