Amazon Ethics and Integration of Faith-Should company executives focus be only about the company’s financial performance?

Amazon Ethics and Integration of Faith.

Ethical issue:

Should company executives focus be only about the company’s financial performance?

What responsibility do company managers have to society?

Identify instances where the company has acted ethically or showed its interest in a key stakeholder – or where it


Search the Bible (either the Old or New Testament) for Bible verse(s) that would guide you in answering the Ethical/Social/Financial Issues (you may choose from topics from the Thompson textbook) that you have identified or that may be present in the firm and how this would guide strategic choice.

In a minimum of 1000 words, discuss this Bible verse(s) and your Christian worldview as they relate to your chosen Ethical/Social Issues questions.>

Discuss a problem or key area identified in your research of the firm.

What is the Ethical/Social/Financial Issues identified (from a strategy/policy perspective).
State and discuss the Bible verse(s) that are relevant to the identified area.

Discuss/analyze the importance of the Bible verse(s) in addressing your chosen topic from a Christian worldview perspective.