Explain what is Rondo form. Find all the Rondo pieces from the listening examples (A-J)

Listen to the example G. What’s the time signature?

Listen to the example E and F. What’s the musical form? Please, explain your reasoning.

Explain what is Rondo form. Find all the Rondo pieces from the listening examples (A-J)

Explain what is Blues form. Find an example from the listening list (A-J)

Listen to the example A and J. Both were composed by J.S. Bach. What is the musical form?

What is the musical texture?

Explain the main difference between “concerto grosso” and “concerto” forms and list any if you could find examples from the listening list.
Name of composer(s) and title of piece(s)

Listen to the example B. What is the musical form?
Find other musical examples from the Classical period (up to 5 pieces) and provide the details (i.e. composer, title, movement #, etc.)