Describe the socio-cultural factors and relational dynamics associated with development across the family life cycle.

Family systems analysis identifies patterns and roles in how the family relates.

Analyze your three-generational family genogram for intergenerational themes, relationship patterns, and life-cycle transitions.

What are some emerging family patterns?

How have these patterns made me who I am, and what are my roles in my system?

How have these patterns and roles influenced my life?

What are significant cultural issues to consider?

What strengths are you proud of that have been passed along?

How does or how will your understanding of yourself from your genogram influence your work as a family therapist?

Competency 1:

Describe the socio-cultural factors and relational dynamics associated with development across the family life cycle.

Illustrate information such as chronic or terminal illnesses, ethnic backgrounds, alcoholism, suicides, mental health issues, diversity and sociocultural factors, occupations, education, and career choices.

Competency 2:

Analyze relational and family functioning across the developmental life cycle.

Diagram a three-generational family genogram to show intergenerational themes, relationship patterns, and life-cycle transitions.

Competency 3:

Apply assessment and intervention tools associated with systemic developmental factors across the family life cycle.

Diagram the interrelationships among and between work, family, and other life roles and factors.

Competency 4:

Demonstrate the ability to conceptualize the role of systemic developmental factors over the course of treatment in Marriage and Family Therapy.

Summarize conclusions drawn from a three-generational genogram of family of origin.

Competency 5:

Analyze the effects and influence of diversity and sociocultural factors on development across the lifespan and clinical practice.

Illustrate the delineation of family relationships (close, overly close, conflictual, or cut off).

Competency 6:

Communicate effectively through the appropriate application of grammar, punctuation, spelling, writing mechanics, and professional tone, while adhering with APA formatting and style.