Write a paragraph for each term and tell me who, what, when, and where if relevant. Most importantly, you must explain why the term is significant in the context of this course.

Write a paragraph for each term and tell me who, what, when, and where if relevant. Most importantly, you must explain why the term is significant in the context of this course.

George F. Kennan
The Truman Doctrine
Election of 1948
The Marshall Plan
Berlin Blockade
North Atlantic Treaty
Senator Joseph McCarthy
“White Flight”
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
Massive Resistance
The “New Frontier”
James Meredith
Medgar Evers
Sit-In Movement
Freedom Rides
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Thurgood Marshall
The “Great Society”
Bay of Pigs Invasion Cuban Missile Crisis Ngo Dinh Diem
Election of 1964
Tonkin Gulf Resolution Tet Offensive
Poor Peoples Campaign
The Black Panthers
Election of 1968
Affirmative Action
26th Amendment Vietnamization
Equal Rights Amendment
Roe v. Wade
Swann v. Mecklenburg Board of Education
Star Wars
“The Great Satan”
Black Lives Matter
Busing in Boston NAFTA
The Patriot Act
The Great Recession
Obergefell v. Hodges