Review the changes and challenges religion faces in the modern world, then review the practices and beliefs of a religion of your choice.

Review the changes and challenges religion faces in the modern world, then review the practices and beliefs of a religion of your choice.

Consider the emergence of Prosperity Gospel/Wealth Gospel/Seed Faith; Is there a moral implication of this movement?

Is this interpretation of Protestant Christian views truly Biblical, or a result contemporary greed and influence? What might be the impact of charitable giving (to the poor) as a result? Support your argument with valid, academic resources…

Discuss the emergence of religious movements as subject-matter for reality television shows.

How might this type of exposure affect the view of others’ observations and understanding of these belief systems?

Explore the Catholic stance on social media; trace the origin and view of the internet and social media as a platform for Catholic outreach.

Explore the history of one of the Chinese arts and how it was influenced by either Daoism or Confucianism.