Select ONE of the stations aboard the R/V Weatherbird II and write a summary  about the tools and equipment that are used at that station.

Virtual Tour of Weather bird II
Watch this field trip as we board USF’s R/V Weather-bird II. We will explore the many compartments on the vessel including the captain’s cabin.
Virtual Tour of Tools at the COT
Here we travel to the Center for Ocean Technology (COT) where USF researchers show us all the neat tools they use for studying the marine environment via remote sensing.

After watching the virtual tour videos-
Select ONE of the stations aboard the R/V Weather-ird II and write a summary  about the tools and equipment that are used at that station, as well as

What kind of research is often done with these instruments, and

What kind of data the instruments collect.

Select the

Remote sensing and

2. one other marine science tools from the COT field trip.

For each tool please write a summary answering questions about

(1) what the tool is used for,

(2) how it operates, and

(3) what kind of data it collects.