Why are the authors conducting this study? Think about what the overall, “big picture” topic is, but also specifically, what question are they trying to answer with this exact study?

PSY360:Research Article Handout
You will be asked to read a series of research articles; each will address one of the main topics to be covered this term.
The PDFs are available on MOODLE, and which articles will be covered when is listed below. We will discuss these articles in class this will give us a chance to discuss how research is conducted and how information is gathered regarding cognitive science, and it will improve your ability to read and understand primary research articles.
Below are some questions listed that you should ask yourself as you read the article they will help you prepare for the class discussion.
GRADING: article handouts will be due(submitted through MOODLE) by the START of class time (11:00am) on the day of the scheduled Article Critique.
You should feel free to bring a hard copy with you to class to aid in your participation of the class discussion, but only the responses submitted to MOODLE by the start of class will be considered for your grade.
You will also be expected to contribute to the class discussion of the article and the associated handout in class. Full credit for these Article Critiques requires you to submit your handout, and then to join in the conversation.
Topic Research Article Handout due by 11:00amPerception“Enhanced associative memory for colour…”Tues Feb 9Attention“Texting as a distraction to learning in college…”
Thurs Feb 18Longterm Memory: Structure“Human face recognition ability is specific…”
Tues March 2Longterm Memory: Encoding“Reactivation of encodingrelated brain activity…”
Thurs March 11Problem Solving“Insightful problem solving and emulation…”
Tues March 30Decision Making“Anxiety impairs decisionmaking…”
Tues April 13Article Critique Grading Rubric(25 points)0246810Handout Responses No responses provided Not all questions answered; minimal information provided Most questions answered completely All questions answered thoughtfully Inclass Discussion No participation Some minor points discussed, without moving conversation forward Some effort to add to the conversation, moving some points of the conversation forward Meaningful participation; lead taken to discuss material05Submission Time Late/no submission Submitted by 11:00am day of scheduled Article Critique

Submit your answers to the following questions related to the assigned Article in Module. Bring along a copy of your responses on the day of the scheduled Article Critique.

Why are the authors conducting this study? Think about what the overall, “big picture” topic is, but also specifically, what question are they trying to answer with this exact study?

What do we already know about these topics? List 3 main things that we already know or understand that are stated in the article.

Do they do an adequate job of convincing the reader that this is an important or interesting question?

How are they conducting this studywhat are the primary methods that they use to answer their question?

Do they present the methods they are using in a way that is easy to understand? Why or why not?

Describe each figure or table in 23 sentences. Be sure you understand any abbreviations or symbols. What data is it showing, and how does the data it displays answer the question of the study?

Are the figures easy to understand and interpret? Why or why not?

Did the authors answer the specific question they set out to answer in this study? How well?

Are there remaining questions at the end of the study that are important to answer? Do the authors mention these or address them at all?

How does the question answered in this study contribute to the larger, “big picture” issue?