Submit your answers to the following questions related to the assigned Article in Module. Bring along a copy of your responses on the day of the scheduled Article Critique.
Why are the authors conducting this study? Think about what the overall, “big picture” topic is, but also specifically, what question are they trying to answer with this exact study?
What do we already know about these topics? List 3 main things that we already know or understand that are stated in the article.
Do they do an adequate job of convincing the reader that this is an important or interesting question?
How are they conducting this study–what are the primary methods that they use to answer their question?
Do they present the methods they are using in a way that is easy to understand? Why or why not?
Describe each figure or table in 2–3 sentences. Be sure you understand any abbreviations or symbols. What data is it showing, and how does the data it displays answer the question of the study?
Are the figures easy to understand and interpret? Why or why not?
Did the authors answer the specific question they set out to answer in this study? How well?
Are there remaining questions at the end of the study that are important to answer? Do the authors mention these or address them at all?
How does the question answered in this study contribute to the larger, “big picture” issue?