What question(s) might you ask the architect about the style and design of the building? Be sure to indicate the style and ask questions about specific features of that style.

Talk about a famous architect from the Middles Ages or Romanesque period. Imagine you are interviewing this architect for a
magazine article about his work.

Identify a building designed by this architect. Include an image of the building with as much identifying information as
you can in caption format beneath each image.

What question(s) might you ask the architect about the style and design of the building? Be sure to indicate the style and
ask questions about specific features of that style. What question(s) might you ask about the materials used to construct the building? Be sure to indicate the medium and
ask questions about specific features of that medium. What question(s) might you ask about the structural system used to construct the building? Be sure to indicate the
structural system and ask questions about specific features of that system.