Brainstorm a list of subjects related to psychology that are important to your topic from two professional journal articles in the library or on professional websites.

There are numerous topics related to psychology that impact people today. You could easily come up with over 100 issues if you have the time ranging from teen pregnancy. Drug addictions discrimination, parenting, anxiety, depression, suicide, break ups, etc.

Brainstorm a list of subjects related to psychology that are important to your topic from two professional journal articles in the library or on professional websites edu., org., gov. Write these tow sources on a reference page in APA format. Write a title page that includes your name, title, course number, and school. Remember to include an introduction and conclusion.

Title slide: Include your name, title, and course number centered on page (10 points).

Introduction: Introduce the problem and preview the main points of your paper. You may also present a question on the topic (15 points).

Paragraphs: Provide a five-paragraph essay where you establish a clear thesis statement.

All ideas are strongly related to the thesis and are focused on the topic. Provide within your paragraphs strong content that helps to answer the question presented in the introduction (50 points).

Word Count: Your paper is at least 500 words long (10 words).

Demonstrate clear understanding of issues presented (10 points.)

Mechanics: Free of spelling and grammar errors (10 points)

Conclusion: Summarize the main points presented (15 points).

Submitted to (Links to an external site.)(10 points) (Please attach upswing corrected paper to final paper.)

Reference Page and In-text citations: Support your work with at least 2 references, cited in APA formatting. Select from academic sources: Journal articles or web sources (org., gov. or edu.). Each reference is also cited within the body of the paper for each paragraphs where it is quoted, summarized, or paraphrased (20 points).

Total: 150 points.

Note: Papers that lack a reference page and proper in-text citations, and/or have a 50% or greater similarity index according to will not be accepted. All papers that show plagiarism will receive a grade of 0%.

The paper must be 2-3 pages in length of text, typed, double-spaced, 11- or 12-point font, with 1-inch margins, using the concepts as subtopics (headings) for each paragraph. You also need a title page with your name, date, and class day and time. You won’t need a folder, but you must staple your paper.

Essay Requirements:

Make sure you research both sides thoroughly as your goal with this paper will be to write it in a manner that does not allow the reader to know which side of the issue that you are on. You will not be condoning or condemning either side- your goal is to be as objective as possible in reviewing the issue you select.

Construct a 500-word essay that demonstrates your understanding of the following:

The issue that you have identified (a concise synopsis of what the issue is)
Historical context (previous events in history that have contributed to the rise of the issue)
Both sides of the current argument (provide an objective review- the reader should not know which side of the issue that you personally are on)
At least two possible resolutions to the issue (include the potential ramifications of each resolution for both sides)

Your paper should include an introduction and conclusion, at least 2 cited references and must adhere to APA formatting.

Grading Rubric:

Total 150 pts.
Student totalTitle page:

Include your name, title, and course number centered on page

Introduction: Introduce the problem and preview the main points of your paper. You may also present a question on the topic.

Paragraphs: Provide a five-paragraph essay where you establish a clear thesis statement. All ideas are strongly related to the thesis and are focused on the topic. Provide within your paragraphs strong content that helps to answer the question presented in the introduction.

Provided adequate historical context to demonstrate understanding of how the issue came to be. Used critical thought and analysis in proposing two resolutions and their logical ramifications