Tell me what you found interesting about the DB rules listed below and why with at least five to seven sentences.

Tell me what you found interesting about the DB rules listed below and why with at least five to seven sentences.

Rules for the DB’s are below:

1. You must each DB week post one strong DB post by Friday (or lose 5% off your DB grade). This one strong post by Friday each week can either be a strong student reply to someone or one of your main DB parts (part one or part two).

2. You must post at least two strong student replies each DB week, including a greeting line, two to three strong paragraphs for each student reply, and a closing line with your name for each DB week (Wednesday to Friday). Two weeks per DB assignment. I highly recommend posting more than two to get an “A” on the grading rubric

3. You must have at least two journal articles sourced inside each main DB post (part one and part two). You must use in-text sources in APA format and list the two journal articles at the end of your DB post with the name References and list the journal articles in alpha order and APA format. Please review the live chat recordings if you are struggling with finding journal articles and sources in APA format.

4. You must have in-text sources inside your DB main content posts to get a passing grade. Please make sure you know how to source in APA format inside the written text. Please come to my live chats on Sunday nights, and I will help you.

5. When you select sources for your DB work, be mindful of being a graduate student, and use the Google Advanced Search we learned about in the APA Bonus Chat to find reliable sources using Google.