“What happens if someone changes their mind?”, discuss what is the process if someone decides to make changes to their document once it has been implemented.

This assignment allows the unique opportunity to complete a document that is particularly relevant to your needs and desires/applicable to you personally. Specifically, it involves the completion of a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care or a Living Will and a reflection paper based on your experience. This is Option 1.
However, you may not be at a point in your life in which this is important to you, or you may have reservations due to your personal or spiritual beliefs. In this case, you can choose Option 2 where you write a discussion paper regarding health care advanced directives. Choose only ONE of the options below and follow the instructions for that option to complete this assignment.

Option 1: Health Care Power of Attorney and Reflection Paper Instructions
To clarify, you can do a DPOA or a Living Will. The directions may only refer to one at times, but you can do either. The website link has both forms and the assignment directions are the same, so it is your choice. Just remember to state which one you did in your paper.
Option 2: Discussion Paper for Health Care Advanced Directives Instructions
The question “How does a Living Will/Advanced Directive and Durable Power of Attorney work?”, means for you to discuss the process to complete and implement a LW/DPOA including info such as who is involved and how are they activated?
For the question “What happens if someone changes their mind?”, discuss what is the process if someone decides to make changes to their document once it has been implemented.