Do you always work with the same researchers or contributors? Are you allowed to work with various journals at any one time?

Lifelong learning makes you a better person. It allows you to remain professionally credible and sound. I, myself, am always a work in progress. Scholarly engagement ensures that you are a strong and productive member of society. In terms of publication, I think my capstone would be a great starting point for publication. With a few changes, I would happily stand by my work. It has been very difficult to say that throughout my academic journey. I always felt there was more I could do to make my work better. I did not always like the final product of my work when I was partnered with someone else. I often felt I did not have the chance to read my sources in a way that made me feel confident. To have my capstone published, I would need the help of a professional. Dr. Hasani Swindell (who graduated from Columbia University) has a lot of experience in publishing scholarly articles. He may be a point of reference.

As GCU students (and future graduates), I think we should also be able to look to the faculty for help with getting published. The publication offers great exposure and may lead to increased earnings. I think further research on dynamics needs to be investigated. Researchers would need to work in a specific capacity to become successful. That is why I would seek out someone with experience. The path is a little easier with a guided hand. A lot of questions need to be answered. Do you always work with the same researchers or contributors? Are you allowed to work with various journals at any one time? Other presentation opportunities include TED talks, the creation of YouTube channels, guest appearances on television shows, etc. You need to have a clear voice that is in high demand. We need to be unashamed and unequivocally veracious with the information we provide to others. Congratulations to everyone! Good luck with your future endeavors!