Create 4 separate limited character tweets (140-200 characters, 1-3 sentences) that summarize the content of the business message.

Persuasive Tweets/Micro-blogs Critique and Create
Think of the web as a city (analogy from David
Meerman Scott’s “The New Rules of Marketing &
PR”) and in the social media platforms where you get
to practice social networking you want to create the
chance of obtaining a customer as a by-product of
good conversation and with a focus on sharing and
not (overly) selling.
Find a blog or you-tube video of business-oriented
interest. You can search on “business blogs” or
“fashion videos.”You can go directly to one of the
following top blog sites: Huffing-ton Post, Business
Insider, Mash-able or Tech Crunch articles or see USC
admissions blog or Wells Fargo blog for college
students. If you do not want to use a business blog
message or video as a source for tweet creation then
you can find a website that includes a product or
service of interest and create 4 persuasive tweets
based on business offerings. Include link to blog or
Create 4 separate limited character tweets (140-200
characters, 1-3 sentences) that summarize the content
of the business message. Try to apply one technique
from each of the parts of the AIDA method identified
below. If you quote directly from the message then use
quotes. Each one of your tweets should in some way
support the main idea of the message.