Identify and explain your theory(ies) of counseling.

CED 690AA: Practicum
Case Presentation Guidelines

1. Identify and explain your theory(ies) of counseling.

2. Present your client’s identifying information/ Biopsychosocial Assessment
a. Fictitious name EO
b. Date of birth/age 9/25/86-33 years old
c. Race/Ethnicity Caucasian
d. Relationship status Married
e. Sexual Orientation (if applicable) Heterosexual
f. Religious affiliation (if applicable) Not religious or agnostic
g. Educational background Undergrad
h. Employment history CMU as computer engineer
i. Legal/military history (if any) N/a
j. Biological/medical complications Diagnosed w/ Post-Partum Depression
k. Developmental history – Analysis – How is it impacting current issues
She did not have any developmental problems or concerns during her childhood.
l. Current Developmental Stage – Analysis – How is it impacting current issues
m. History of trauma
Her Father was violent, he would argue and with her Mother and she described him as being very angry and unapproachable.

n. History of Substance Abuse/ Process Addictions No
o. (For ADS – Spiritual history)
p. History of counseling She has a history of seeing counselors, I am the 4th counselor she has seen.
3. Multicultural Analysis – impact of multicultural factors on client’s mental health.
She has stated that she has been impacted by today current events with racial inequality and has been trying to process what has been going on. Her parents are extremely racists and she did not realize this until recently. She does not want her daughter around her parents right now.
4. Clinical Observations (general impressions)
a. Refer to mental status exam
b. Stage of Change/Dependency Assessment
Action- She’s taking steps toward change by accepting her Father as he is.
c. Strengths and Support Systems
Her strengths and support system at the moment is her husband.

5. Presenting Problem
a. Diagnosis, if applicable. Relationships
b. DSM criteria met for diagnosis
c. Treatment plan and degree of success in achieving plan to date.

6. Review of psychological assessment (if any)

7. Review of medication (if any)

Psychotropic medications for post-partum depression

8. Review of course of treatment (What theoretical framework will you use?)
Person Centered

9. Strategies for understanding client access to resources (how are you talking about this with your client?)

10. Prognosis

11. Recommendations for future treatment

12. Impact of supervision on this case

13. What did you learn from this case?
a. About counseling
b. About your theory
c. About yourself as a therapist
d. About diagnosis