Sources must be cited with an-noted bibliography
Students should research and prepare a paper or presentation over a gene, protein, pathway, treatment,
phenomenon, etc., that has been experimentally shown to be associated with cancer. • The research papers should be approximately 10-12 double-spaced, and should provide information that is
significantly beyond general information that can be found in newspapers and/or magazines or books
written for the general public.
• Each research paper should be thoroughly researched using research-based, peer-reviewed, scientific
journal articles.
• Papers should contain the scientific details of topic being examined to include:
❖ What types of hypotheses have been published on the topic you’ve chosen? How do the various
hypotheses (if there are various hypotheses) compare and contrast?
❖ How have the hypotheses been tested/retested?
❖ What types of experimental details specifically address these hypotheses? Are there some
experiments that seem more significant than others? Why?
❖ What type of data has been examined for the hypotheses of your chosen topic? Is there some data
that is more significant than others? Why?
❖ What types of conclusions have been published concerning the evolution of your chosen topic? Are
there some that seem more supported than others?
❖ Assimilating the papers you’ve examined on your topic, what conclusions can you make concerning
your topic?
• Articles should come from peer-reviewed primary research journals, many of which are available on line
through the library’s journal locator (click on Journal Locator in the left-hand
toolbar). If you find information on random web pages you should find the primary research discussed on
the site—do not simply reference a random website and consider it valuable information.
❖ If you find good articles through Google Scholar, etc., but can’t get the full-text for free, please check for
the free, full-text version using the Journal locator through our library. Students have access to a very
large collection of free full-text articles on campus.
❖ Please note that actual journal articles must be cited. PubMed, Bio One, Web of Science, etc., are
databases of published materials, not journals, make sure you find and reference the actual journal
❖ Citations must be in the following format:
❖ Author last name, Author first name, (year of publication) Title of Paper. Journal Name.
volume number: page numbers.
❖ Newspapers, encyclopedias, magazines, and pamphlets are NOT primary research and contain
information far below the level required for your work.
• Papers should be researched and prepared at a level that shows command of the information and writing
(1) Grammatically incorrect sentences/paragraphs will reduce your grade.
(2) All summaries should be original work, written individually, by each student. Students can not
use or modify papers previously written for another course, or another instructor.
(3) Students should write the entire paper in their own words, there should be no need to directly
quote any researched information at this level. Students should have command enough of the
information, and/or ability to further research the information in order to appropriately state
the necessary information in their own words.