List relevant courses and tests (SAT II, AP, etc.) that you’ve taken in this area, including scores and grades.

., MTNSA-Take Care Mz… 20:38 ®’ 62%
AA 6

Area of interest 1: 1st choice:

Please List relevant courses and tests (SAT II, AP, etc.) that
you’ve taken in this area, including scores and grades. For
STEM areas, please list and describe experience in calculus,
statistics, other higher level math courses, chemistry,
physics, biology, psychology, computer programming and
coding. (Please provide scores and grades): (450 chars.
Your text here

Do you have any other experience or qualifications in this
field? Tell us anything about your background that may be
helpful in considering your application to this subject area.
Please answer in essay format.: (450 chars. maximum)
* Your text here

Why do you want to engage in this research area? Please
answer in essay format. (100-150 words):
U m