Provide brief biographical information about Master Gerhard and other architects involved with the Cologne Cathedral.

Provide brief biographical information about Master Gerhard and other architects involved with the Cologne Cathedral.

Indicate the years Gerhard lived,
where he worked, and name at least one other work of art or architecture for which he is responsible. Indicate the style of
the cathedral, and describe using appropriate terminology.

Describe the architect’s use of technique and processes.

Including an image of the cathedral and other similar styled structures is strongly encouraged.

If you do provide images, remember to insert identifying information in caption format immediately beneath each pasted image.

Be sure to use only reliable websites such
as Khan Academy/Smart History, school or museum websites, and other websites ending in .org or .edu.

To support your argument, you must include at least one in-text citation.

Please limit any directly quoted text to one sentence or less. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment.
Text must be a minimum of 450 words in length. Your text must be thorough but concise and succinct. Proofread your
essay for spelling/typographical/grammar errors before submitting.